Te Roroa Environs
Te Roroa environs work is focused on environmental and ecological services to government and non-government agencies. Our environs work includes:
Department of Conservation: Weed & Pest Control, Wilding Pine
Northland Regional Council: Weed & Pest Control, Wilding Pine
Kaipara District Council: Weed Control
Waka Kotahi: Weed Spraying
Fulton Hogan: Vegetation Control & Minor Road Maintenance
NZ Forest Restoration Trust: Planning
Kauri Ora
The Kauri Ora Programme was developed by an Iwi Collaboration led by Te Roroa and includes Te Taitokerau iwi Ngāti Kuri, Te Rarawa, and Ngāti Wai. The main purpose of Kauri Ora is to provide Kauri Dieback mitigation, monitoring and rongoa treatment to Kauri forests in Te Taitokerau.
The Te Roroa Kauri Ora team comprises of a team leader and four Kauri Ora rangers. Te Roroa developed a whakatauki that is now used by all of the iwi collab:
"E kore te kauri e tumokemoke"
A Kauri never stands alone.
Te Toa Whenua
Renowned not only as a warrior, 19th Century Te Roroa chief Tūoho is celebrated as a highly-skilled gardener, known to have been associated with gardens throughout the Waipoua including Matatina, Papatia, Huaki and Rewarewa at Maunganui.
The phrase 'te toa o te whenua' is derived from this lullaby composed by Tūohu’s cousin Taoho as a testament to his mana as an expert in the use of land and the management of people.
It is through the application of the phrase ‘te Toa whenua’ to the project that we seek to reinvigorate the mana tūpuna and mana whenua of the living descendants as magnificent and innovative gardeners in this restoration project.
Te Toa Whenua has projects focused on:
Reforestation and Native Tree Nursery
Pest and Weed Control
Food Production