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Cyclone Gabrielle Support

Here is some helpful information from Civil Defence if your whānau has been impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.

Community led evacuation centres

These centres are managed by the community and can be located at marae, in local churches or community halls. They are not run by Civil Defence Northland, they are opened and managed by the community with guidance from district councils. If you’d like to know the locations of open evacuation centres in your area, please call your local district council or check their Facebook page for the latest information.

Whangarei: 09 430 4200 or

Emergency financial assistance

The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) may be able to help with urgent or unexpected costs - from emergency food, medical costs, and bedding to home repairs, power bills and loss of income. To find out more about assistance call MSD on 0800 400 100. They’re open 7am–5pm Monday to Wednesday, and 8am–5pm Thursday and Friday or on their website.

Civil Defence Payments

Civil Defence payments are available to meet the immediate needs of people who are affected by a civil defence emergency. Civil Defence assistance payments can cover the following costs:

• for accommodation to hosts for evacuees (billeting in private homes, marae or community centres).

• for accommodation in motels, hotels and temporary rental accommodation.

• loss of livelihood payments for affected people who cannot work and lose income due to the civil defence emergency i.e. the person cannot go to work, the work place is closed or they need to remain with their family.

• food, clothing, and bedding. Civil Defence emergency assistance does not have to be repaid (insurance exception applies - see application process), is not income and asset tested and, when granting this assistance, you are not required to take into account any other special needs grant assistance that has been paid to the applicant over the last 52 weeks.

No income and asset test There is no income or asset test. Civil Defence Payments are non-taxable and do not affect a person's eligibility for most other forms of social assistance. This is due to the exceptional circumstances of those affected by a civil defence emergency or an adverse event.

For Civil Defence Payments Phone: 0800 400 100

Open hours: 7am - 5pm Monday to Wednesday, 8am - 5pm Thursday and Friday

Food safety

Take care with food from your fridge and freezer to avoid food poisoning and manage spoilage issues. After more than two days without power, highly perishable foods may not be safe to eat. For more information on food safety and power cuts click here.

Māori community / Iwi support

Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups are working alongside marae, hapū, iwi and Māori community groups across the region. To be connected in with the appropriate person or agency for advice and support please contact Carol Manukau, Te Kahu O Taonui – Email: or Phone 021 025 98435.

Animal welfare

For more advice on animal welfare contact: Ministry for Primary Industries 0800 00 83 33

For more information - see the PDF's below or visit


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