Kia ora, The Northland Regional Council’s Tangata Whenua Climate Adaptation Fund supporting tangata whenua led climate resilience initiatives is open now. Funding is available for mahi that:
Improves understanding of the implications of climate change; and/or
Plans how to adapt to projected climate change impacts; and/or
Takes action to address specific climate impacts and/or build resilience to climate change.
Examples of climate adaptation funded work could include:
Resourcing expertise or technical support to provide specific climate-related advice.
Supporting engagement/hui/kōrero on climate change specific to the applicant’s location.
Promoting and supporting cultural monitoring, with a direct focus on understanding the impacts of climate change.
Planning for community led relocation (marae, community facilities, urupā / wāhi tapu, and other sites of cultural significance and value to Māori).
Development or update of Iwi/Hapū Environmental Management Plans, including a climate adaptation planning component.
For more information, please click here: